Mike here
Thanks for visiting my site

I've been a keen amateur photographer ever since I received a Kodak Instamatic camera for my 12th birthday. Since then I progressed to Zenith E then onto a Olympus OM-10 and had a pentax MZ-30 from 2000. during these 30 odd years i must have took over 1000 rolls of film as the many drawers of prints showing Birds,Buttrflies,Other Insects, landscapes, cycle & motorcycle holidays and the catalogue of kids growing up years bear testimony to.

I got my first Digital SLR, a Nikon D40 in 2010 with which most of the photos on this site have been taken with .

In 2017 I became retired and have upgraded my kit to a Nikon D7100 along with 2 Nikkor zoom lenses.the 18-55mm f/3.5 VR, the 70-300 f/4.5 VR and have just added the amazing 200-500mm f/5.6 VR. to enable to get closer shots of motorsports, birds and other wildlife